
Monday, August 30, 2010

Southern Ideal Home Show - August 26 thru 28th

     If you are ever wanting to come up with your dream list of things to do around or to your house, this is the event to go to. If it has anything to do with the interior or exterior of your home, there was a booth somewhere with a guy ready to set up a meeting. They had people displaying solar panels, invisible dog fences, gutter systems, and reverse osmosis water purification systems.  You name it  and it was there. Our list of things that we wanted to do to the house grew with every booth we visited. I think it will soon be time to put together a project list to prioritize our efforts. We spent the entire Saturday talking with the presenters and scheduling different companies to quote the roof and siding of the house. Kristin still hates the way the siding looks. I think we have about ten or more different appointments set up. You can never have to many job quotes.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Home Inspection

     This has got to be one of the most nerve racking steps in any prospective home buyers process. The truth of the house comes into plan sight (hopefully) with home inspection. You just hope and pray that your selections aren't knocking on the door of being condemned or with a list or repairs longer than your arm.

     After about 3 hours of crawling all over the home, I received the news. The property was in good shape with only some minor repairs needed here and there. The only big thing was that the roof would need to be replaced soon.  The total bill we figured was in the $4500 - $6000 to get it all fixed up. Not to bad.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

1967 Decor

The house was built in 1967. It has had only one owner in that time until now. I think they liked the house they the way it was built because I don't think any thing has been updated since 1967.

This is the main family room. The Ceiling fans are new but they were just put in for the sale.

Got to Love the Wrought Iron Rail, and yes the walls are painted wood Paneling

 All Original Cabinets. I think the Dishwasher might have been a upgrade in the 70's.
Are those not some sweet vinyl floors.

These are the two offsuite bathrooms. I don't think they make sinks like that anymore.
The powder room toilet sits off the wall by 8 inchs!!

This is the lovely yet tranquel Master Bath. Don't those warm wood tones make you want to relax.
I just hope we don't get a splinter !!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Potential, Potential

It always starts with potential. Just Look at this Back Yard. The lot is just over 22000 sqft (.6 acres)
To go from no backyard to this will be a bit of adjustment. I think I see a ride on mower in our future. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

To Buy or not to buy?

      This is the question. Kristin and I had been saving up for a new house now for about 6 months. We had been planning to save for about a year and then start looking for a home to start our family in. I had always wanted to get a nice sized fixer upper with great bones and a super backyard. Kristin just wanted a "NICE" House. Well we found more of what I was looking for in 3200 Goneaway Rd !!!!