
Monday, October 4, 2010

Kitchen Demolition

Demolition is one of the best parts of a remodel. When else can you take a sledgehammer and crow bar to your house? There is something strangely therapeutic about demolition. 

Originally I thought it would be a great idea to have Habitat for Humanity come and take the Cabinets. They can take them down and no mess or disposal for me. It would seem that these cabinets weren't even good enough for them. That left it time to get mid-evil  on some cabinets.

Cabinets removed -- Check

In order to create the new kitchen that we want a lot of work is going to have to take place inside the walls. Bye Bye Dry wall!!!

Dry wall gone -- Check

The kitchen in its original form was a meager 10 x 10 footer. The new kitchen will be much bigger ( 11 x 22). In order for this expansion  a few walls needed to come down. We started on the wall between the Kitchen and the dining room as we knew that wall was not load bearing (was parallel to the ceiling joists)

One Wall Down -- Check

Gary and his trusty crowbar. Isn't Demolition fun ;)

 This is the final result at the conclusion of week one. I think we got a good bit done. Just one wall left to go.

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