
Monday, September 27, 2010

Our Plan

Hooray! We are finally new home owners. It only took 2 months and three days. The three days were due to the "bank" (no names mentioned ??WF??) not having the paper work completed on time.

The several agonizing weeks before closing, the 30+ days of send us this document and send us that document and we need another copy of this was the perfect time to formulate our renovation plan. We decided that before we move in, we needed to complete a few vital projects.

The Goneaway Renovation:
Time Frame : 2 months  (October and November)
Budget : $20000

1.     Gut the kitchen / Dinning room / Living room and create a great room. I always liked that term. It will be great once we are finished.

2.     Remove Popcorn from ceilings. We both agreed that we hate popcorn ceiling more than anything else. Never did quite understand the point. They are not nice looking and they are evil on balloons.

3.     Paint entire interior of house. It is all white now. Time to add some color.

Kristin thought that the exterior (ie siding and natural stone veneer) should have been added to the list, but was cut due to the economy and budgetary constraints. :)

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