
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Renovating the front yard

We have a huge 67 year old Magnolia tree in the front of the house. 

During the home inspection it was mentioned that it would need to be cut back so that it didn't interfere with the roof. After the weekend of raking and cleaning up the yard we removed the old pine straw from around the base of the Magnolia to see that the rot system had started to grow up and under the house and the front walk. Definitely time to call in the tree pro's. The tree service came and quoted a crown/root reduction.

We also decided our 4 pine trees were more of a head ache then they are worth. They are like 4 tall pencils on the corner of our driveway. They are not very attractive and look like they would fall over in a really stiff wind. Also the 20 bags of Pine needles was just to much.

 So we decided to have the 4 pines removed and the Magnolia worked on.......

The Result

A MUCH smaller Magnolia
The must have taken 8 to 10 feet off the crown of this tree. I don't think t will be touching the roof any tine soon

Bye Bye Nasty Pine Trees
With the 4 pines gone the front yard is so much more open. No more pine needles! Yippy!!!!!

The Tree services Gear.

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