
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Re Insulating The Attic

So why did I take all that insulation out of the attic??????? This is a job I have not been looking forward to. Can you tell? I  took the insulation out the first week in Oct and here it is the second week of Dec and I still haven't done it. Well the last few days here in the south have been mighty cold (below freezing). I have visions of my future energy bill if I didn't do something about this huge uninsulated hole in my ceiling. A month back HD had a sale on unfaced R19 so I  bought enough of it to do the attic. I put it all up there just didn't unroll it.

     My procrastination is over now was the time. With scissors in hand resporator and bunny suit on I started the evil job.

     Even in this cold weather I was still sweating up there. I would have hated this in the summer. 3 hours later and few bumps and bruises from the joists and roof I am complete.

New Insulation.

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